
Google Cloud 根據您的需求規劃了全方位的課程內容,內含超過 980 項學習活動,並涵蓋多種活動型態,您可自由選擇。您可以選擇簡短的個別研究室,或是包含影片、文件、研究室和測驗的多單元課程。在研究室中,您可以透過臨時憑證實際使用雲端資源,直接累積 Google Cloud 實作經驗。完成課程可獲得徽章,讓您輕鬆掌握、追蹤及評估自己的 Google Cloud 學習成果!

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71 条结果

  1. 课程 精选

    Derive Insights from BigQuery Data

    Complete the introductory Derive Insights from BigQuery Data skill badge to demonstrate skills in the following: write SQL queries, query public tables, load sample data into BigQuery, troubleshoot common syntax errors with the query validator in BigQuery, and create reports in Looker Studio by connecting to BigQu…

  2. 课程 精选

    Migrate MySQL data to Cloud SQL using Database Migration Service

    Earn a skill badge by completing the Migrate MySQL data to Cloud SQL using Database Migration Services quest, where you will learn how to migrate MySQL data to Cloud SQL using Database Migration Services, including how to: connect to Cloud SQL instances using the Cloud Console and with different job types and conn…

  3. 实验 精选

    Online Data Migration to Cloud Spanner using Striim

    In this lab you will learn how to migrate a Cloud SQL for MySQL database to Cloud Spanner using Google Cloud's data migration partner, Striim.

  4. 实验 精选

    Deploying an Open Source Cassandra™ Database using the GCP Marketplace

    In this lab you will deploy an Apache Cassandra™ database using using the GCP marketplace. You will connect to the database using CQL Shell and run some simple DDL commands to create a table, load some data and query it.

  5. 实验 精选

    Migrating to AlloyDB from PostgreSQL Using PostgreSQL Tools

    In this lab, you migrate a stand-alone PostgreSQL database (running on a virtual machine) to AlloyDB for PostgreSQL using native PostgreSQL tools.

  6. 实验 精选

    Generative AI: Database Engineer Revision

    Arcade chatbot lab to learn about the Professional Database Engineer

  7. 实验 精选

    Cloud Spanner - Database Fundamentals

    In this lab, you perform basic administrative tasks within a Cloud Spanner instance.

  8. 实验 精选

    Create and Manage AlloyDB Databases: Challenge Lab

    In this challenge lab, you demonstrate your knowledge of AlloyDB that you learned from the Create and Manage AlloyDB Databases course.

  9. 实验 精选

    Cloud Spanner - Loading Data and Performing Backups

    In this lab, you explore various ways to load data into Cloud Spanner as well as perform a backup of your database.

  10. 实验 精选

    Cloud Spanner - Defining Schemas and Understanding Query Plans

    In this lab, you review schema related features of Cloud Spanner and apply those to a Banking Operations database. You also review the methods and rules by which Cloud Spanner creates query plans.