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Google Cloud AI and ML Solutions for the Public Sector

Google Cloud AI and ML Solutions for the Public Sector

magic_button Machine Learning Dialogflow Virtual Agent
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5 heures Intermédiaire universal_currency_alt 1 crédit

Building a Conversational Interface with Dialogflow CX

Building conversational interfaces will enable you to engage your constituents in delightful new ways. This section will provide an overview of Dialogflow CX, which provides a range of new capabilities, languages, and functions.

Scaling Equity and Access with Enterprise Translation Hub

Accurate, timely and cost effective document translation has long been a challenge to providing equitable and accessible service to all constituents. In this section, explore Google's Enterprise Translation solutions which provide scalable document translation leveraging best in class Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, while retaining the critical human in the loop for final post editing review.

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Informations sur le cours
  • Summarize the features and functionalities of Dialogflow CX.
  • Build a Virtual Agent using Dialogflow CX.
  • Identify Google Cloud's Translation solutions.
  • Translate documents using Enterprise Translation Hub
Although not required, it is recommended that participants complete Launching into Machine Learning and Responsible AI: Applying AI Principles with Google Cloud. It is also recommended that you have basic experience with Dialogflow CX, or have taken the Virtual Agent development with Dialogflow CX course.
Public Sector
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Lorsque vous terminez un cours, vous obtenez un badge de réussite. Vos badges s'affichent sur votre profil, et vous pouvez les partager sur les réseaux sociaux.
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