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The Power of Storytelling: How to Visualize Data in the Cloud

The Power of Storytelling: How to Visualize Data in the Cloud

27 Stunden Einsteiger universal_currency_alt 6 Guthabenpunkte

This is the fourth of five courses in the Google Cloud Data Analytics Certificate. In this course, you’ll focus on developing skills in the five key stages of visualizing data in the cloud: storytelling, planning, exploring data, building visualizations, and sharing data with others. You’ll also gain experience using UI/UX skills to wireframe impactful, cloud-native visualizations and work with cloud-native data visualization tools to explore datasets, create reports, and build dashboards that drive decisions and foster collaboration.

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Skill-Logo für The Power of Storytelling: How to Visualize Data in the Cloud
  • Explore the importance of data visualization and storytelling in cloud data analysis.
  • Identify and translate stakeholder requests to create dashboards and reports via wireframes and design mockups.
  • Explain the role and advantages of cloud-native data visualization tools to access, explore, and analyze data.
  • Create a report and dashboard to foster collaboration and decision-making.
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