关于“Eventarc for Cloud Run”的评价

关于“Eventarc for Cloud Run”的评价


Marcos P. · 评论about 7 hours之前

MANIKA S. · 评论about 10 hours之前

Pratham C. · 评论about 12 hours之前

Pratham C. · 评论about 13 hours之前

Pratham C. · 评论about 13 hours之前

Pratham C. · 评论about 13 hours之前

In task 4 "gcloud beta eventarc" command not working need update in lab kindy check this one export REGION= gcloud config set project $DEVSHELL_PROJECT_ID gcloud config set run/region $REGION gcloud config set run/platform managed gcloud config set eventarc/location $REGION export PROJECT_NUMBER="$(gcloud projects list \ --filter=$(gcloud config get-value project) \ --format='value(PROJECT_NUMBER)')" gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $(gcloud config get-value project) \ --member=serviceAccount:${PROJECT_NUMBER}-compute@developer.gserviceaccount.com \ --role='roles/eventarc.admin' export SERVICE_NAME=event-display export IMAGE_NAME="gcr.io/cloudrun/hello" gcloud run deploy ${SERVICE_NAME} \ --image ${IMAGE_NAME} \ --allow-unauthenticated \ --max-instances=3 gcloud eventarc triggers create trigger-pubsub \ --destination-run-service=${SERVICE_NAME} \ --event-filters="type=google.cloud.pubsub.topic.v1.messagePublished" export TOPIC_ID=$(gcloud eventarc triggers describe trigger-pubsub \ --format='value(transport.pubsub.topic)') gcloud pubsub topics publish ${TOPIC_ID} --message="Hello there" export BUCKET_NAME=$(gcloud config get-value project)-cr-bucket gsutil mb -p $(gcloud config get-value project) \ -l $(gcloud config get-value run/region) \ gs://${BUCKET_NAME}/ ====================================================================================================================================================================================================== From the Navigation menu, select IAM & Admin > Audit Logs In the list of services, check the box for Google Cloud Storage On the right hand side, click the LOG TYPE tab. Admin Write is selected by default, make sure you also select Admin Read, Data Read, Data Write and then click Save. ====================================================================================================================================================================================================== echo "Hello World" > random.txt gsutil cp random.txt gs://${BUCKET_NAME}/random.txt gcloud beta eventarc attributes types describe google.cloud.audit.log.v1.written gcloud eventarc triggers create trigger-auditlog \ --destination-run-service=${SERVICE_NAME} \ --event-filters="type=google.cloud.audit.log.v1.written" \ --event-filters="serviceName=storage.googleapis.com" \ --event-filters="methodName=storage.objects.create" \ --service-account=${PROJECT_NUMBER}-compute@developer.gserviceaccount.com gsutil cp random.txt gs://${BUCKET_NAME}/random.txt -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Prince P. · 评论about 21 hours之前

Check this lab

Paras S. · 评论about 21 hours之前

Paras S. · 评论about 22 hours之前

Paras S. · 评论about 22 hours之前

OUT OF DATE of course. rm beta change --matching-criteria to --event-filters Nice challenge, thanks.

Michał W. · 评论1 day之前

Prathamesh S. · 评论1 day之前

very bad

Anurag M. · 评论1 day之前

ERROR: (gcloud.beta.eventarc.attributes.types.list) This command has been removed. Please use `gcloud eventarc` instead

Galih S. · 评论2 days之前

Atul P. · 评论3 days之前

parameter don't exists. correct is event-filters

FILIPE U. · 评论3 days之前

There is some problem with commands. While solving, I faced a problem with Task no. 5. It showed that the given command was not found and I even tried to make some changes to the command as per the given suggestions but it is still not working. And now I don't have free access to this lab anymore. So, I would like to request you to please take a look at this problem.

Aastha P. · 评论3 days之前

Prathamesh S. · 评论3 days之前


Michał W. · 评论3 days之前

Rinu Jacob C. · 评论4 days之前

update the code given in labs not working

720Gamer G. · 评论4 days之前

Muhammet Emin K. · 评论4 days之前


Mujoko M. · 评论4 days之前

Peter C. · 评论5 days之前

broken lab

Arbaz K. · 评论5 days之前

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