关于“Hardening Default GKE Cluster Configurations”的评价

关于“Hardening Default GKE Cluster Configurations”的评价

9607 条评价

outdate version k8s

Duy H. · 已于 11 months前审核

outdated lab, create cluster in first step: gcloud container clusters create simplecluster --zone $MY_ZONE --num-nodes 2 --metadata=disable-legacy-endpoints=false --cluster-version=1.21.14-gke.18800 --no-enable-autoupgrade

Denis M. · 已于 11 months前审核

Steps 6 & 7 cannot be implemented: error: resource mapping not found for name: "restrictive-psp" namespace: "" from "STDIN": no matches for kind "PodSecurityPolicy" in version "policy/v1beta1" ensure CRDs are installed first

Andrei G. · 已于 11 months前审核

Andrei G. · 已于 11 months前审核


Duy H. · 已于 11 months前审核

Denis M. · 已于 11 months前审核

Kubernetes has officially deprecated PodSecurityPolicy in version 1.21 and will be removed in 1.25 with no upgrade path available with this feature enabled. This lab uses v1.25 hence unable to use pod security preventing me from completing the lab

Oluseyi S. · 已于 11 months前审核

Step 7 error.

Srikant D. · 已于 11 months前审核

Krzysztof A. · 已于 11 months前审核

error: resource mapping not found for name: "restrictive-psp" namespace: "" from "STDIN": no matches for kind "PodSecurityPolicy" in version "policy/v1beta1" ensure CRDs are installed first >>> the solution is : gcloud container clusters create simplecluster --zone $MY_ZONE --num-nodes 2 --metadata=disable-legacy-endpoints=false --cluster-version=1.21.14-gke.18800 --no-enable-autoupgrade

Félix V. · 已于 11 months前审核

Ravishanker A. · 已于 11 months前审核

Ravishanker A. · 已于 11 months前审核

Lab instruction is not up-to-date. I wasn't able to complete Tasks 6 & 7 because PodSecurityPolicy was removed

Maciej K. · 已于 11 months前审核

Task 7 does not work

Vaska K. · 已于 11 months前审核

Kubernetes has officially deprecated PodSecurityPolicy in version 1.21 and will be removed in 1.25 with no upgrade path available with this feature enabled. This lab uses v1.25 hence unable to use pod security preventing me from completing the lab

Oluseyi S. · 已于 11 months前审核

error: resource mapping not found for name: restrictive-psp namespace: from STDIN: no matches for kind PodSecurityPolicy in version policy/v1beta1 ensure CRDs are installed first

Yulius E. · 已于 11 months前审核

Pranav K. · 已于 11 months前审核

Sachinder Y. · 已于 11 months前审核

Sachinder Y. · 已于 11 months前审核

error at 7th tasks no CDR no psp apply Because Kubernetes remove PSP in 1.25+

Jacky N. · 已于 11 months前审核

Arrabolu Chandra Shekar R. · 已于 11 months前审核

error at 7th tasks no CDR no psp apply

Jacky N. · 已于 11 months前审核

Tien N. · 已于 11 months前审核

rabiathul w. · 已于 11 months前审核

Kenalinux I. · 已于 11 months前审核

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